Smart Senja


The goal of Smart Senja is to create long-term solutions, not only to prevent power outages, but to secure the supply of energy for future development. We want to show how ‘smart’ and ‘green’ solutions can maintain rural societies, with as little strain on nature and climate as possible. 

Every process of restructuring that today is framed as ‘the green transition’ will need innovative technical solutions as their basis for success. But technical solutions are still only half the puzzle. Energy solutions exist to assist us in our daily needs and and tasks. Thereby, they cannot be separated from the cultural and historical context that they are a part of. Our needs affect the solutions, and the solutions again affect our needs. Throughout history, creative innovations and technical revolutions have drastically transformed our societal structure and way of life. Which gives reason to assume that a transformation to a greener future will be as much a social- as a technical process. And in its wake follows social and societal possibilities and challenges. By understanding this two-way relation between society and technology, we become better equipped to shape the future of our society from the right premises. 

Celebratory mood at School Husøya/Husøya School[?] under the formal opening of Smart Senja

Smart Senja works together with the fishing communities Husøy and Senjahopen towards realising such a transformation. In the first phase of the project, we are working closely with the local communities, schools and corner stone businesses, so that they can take part in forming the solutions they themselves will be using. The Energy Café´s has been a very successful arena for this. We have discussed and shaped many different stages and solutions within the Smart Senja project in this warm and trusting atmosphere. 


Smart Senja is working together with the fishing communities Husøy and Senjahopen. As many other coastal municipalities by the open sea, Husøy and Senjahopen is at the end of the electrical grid. This is why our efforts are focused on these two communities. But simultaneously we have a wish that all of Senja will benefit from the project. In 2019 the Arctic University of Tromsø (UiT) and the power company Troms Kraft arranged an “Energy forum” together with the municipality, as part of the pre-project. We wish to establish this as an annual event, as an arena where the municipality, industry, schools and civil society can meet.Energiforum sammen med kommunen som en del av forprosjektet.  
Senja Kommune ble etablert 1 januar 2020 og har 15 000 innbyggere og ønsker samarbeid for innovasjon innen klima-og energi. Vi ønsker også å bidra til Visit Senja sitt bærekraftarbeid i sin besøksforvaltningsstrategi og vil videreføre samarbeid fra forprosjektet om hvordan et fokus på energi kan bidra til et bærekraftig reiseliv. Turismen i Senja er økende og lokalt snakker man om at øya er «det nye Lofoten», som viser at det antas at turismen vil øke betraktelig i årene som kommer. Fiskeri og havbruk er også en viktig samarbeidspartner, hvor vi blant annet jevnlig diskuterer energiforsyning og nye løsninger med enkeltaktører og Sjømatklyngen Senja.

Husøy og Senjahopen

Both Husøy and senjahopen have about 300 inhabitants. They are close to their fishing fields, and share that their communities have a strong sense of fellowship and community spirit. Theiy have always been sustained by what the ocean can give. In recent times, the fishery related businesses grown to such a scale that they are providing many full time jobs, and provide income that benefit the societies.
Hjørnesteinsbedriftene Brødrene Karlsen AS på Husøy og Nergård AS i Senjahopen er avhengige av stabil tilgang på strøm. De er de største konsumentene av elektrisitet og er med prosjektet som pilotkunder for blant annet konsepter innen prosument og laststyring.

I dag er Husøy-samfunnet karakterisert av både vekst og tilflytting, og Br. Karlsen sysselsetter rundt en tredjedel av øyas befolkning med 18 ulike nasjonaliteter. De har stor produksjon av fisk fra havet og (økologisk) laks fra flere lokaliteter på Senja. I dag huser Senjahopen den største fiskerihavna i Midt-Troms. I Senjahopen driver Nergård med både hvitfisk, pelagisk og skalldyr og er en av de største aktørene innen fiskeri i Nord-Norge.

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